Eclipse the Barriers: Empowering STARs in Today’s Workforce

Kelly Powers
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2024


As I reflect on my journey from the medical field to my dream role in marketing, I can’t help but draw parallels between today’s eclipse and the obstacles blocking STARs like me (workers Skilled Through Alternative Routes) in today’s workforce. Just as the eclipse is a rare and remarkable event — turning day into night — we need remarkable action to reverse hiring approaches that block out opportunities for STARs.

Transitioning from being a medical assistant was a daunting challenge. Despite my years of hands-on experience and digital marketing skills acquired through various freelance jobs, I faced barriers in landing positions aligned with my ambitions. Employers often overlooked my valuable skills, fixating instead on the absence of a formal marketing degree. It was like trying to witness the eclipse without the right lenses: they were blinded by outdated concepts of what makes someone qualified.

Many employers fail to recognize the full potential of STARs due to biased algorithms, degree requirements, or misconceptions about qualifications. Just as you need special eyewear to safely view a solar eclipse, employers need the right tools to appreciate the diverse talents and perspectives that STARs bring to the table. It’s time to equip employers with the necessary resources to embrace alternative routes and foster inclusivity in talent acquisition.

I realized I was a STAR during a chance encounter at an event where my unconventional career path was acknowledged and celebrated. It was a pivotal moment that opened my eyes to the existence of others like me facing similar challenges. I found resources and a community dedicated to empowering STARs and advocating for our recognition in the workforce.

Opportunity@Work, along with many other organizations working to tear the paper ceiling for STARs, not only celebrates alternative career paths but also provides the tools and resources for employers to value skills over degree-based qualifications. By rewriting job descriptions to attract diverse talent and refining biased algorithms to recognize a broader range of skill sources, we can level the playing field for STARs and other underrepresented groups.

However, it’s not just about having the right tools; it’s also about challenging preconceived notions and embracing new perspectives. Hiring STARs like me allows employers to connect with untapped potential and foster innovation, much like witnessing a solar eclipse offers a fresh perspective on our galaxy. By promoting diversity and inclusion, we can create a brighter future for all.

As a proud STAR and Opportunity@Work colleague, I am grateful for the opportunity to pursue my passion for marketing and advocate for the inclusion of skilled workers everywhere. Let’s unite to break stereotypes and stop eclipsing workers Skilled Through Alternative Routes, illuminating the path toward a more inclusive and equitable workforce for generations to come.

This blog post was written by Kelly Powers, Integrated Marketing Associate at Opportunity@Work.

